Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Beneath the surface

Book title: Beneath the surface
Author: Marion Savage
The book starts by introducing Ian Cressley, a young man of about 27. He is an Australian visiting England in about the 1960's, coming via steam-liner. He is on his way to see his elderly aunt to deliver a letter from his mother, and sight-see in the British Isles for a year. You later learn he is a strong Christian, and ready to do the LORDs Will wherever he is. He and his aunt Amelia hit it off right away, and he decides to stay with her for a while. She runs a private hotel an and he meets all the guests there. Over time he will change their lives for Christ, including several of the staff, and the housekeeper's son; a wild boy of 16. Among the staff is the pretty secretary Dale; whom Ian feels very attracted to, but she won't let him get past a purely polite greeting sort of relationship. Can he win her heart? Why is she so averse to the gospel, and why does she always look so haunted?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A year in Provence

Book title: A year in Provence
Author: Peter Mayle
Blissfully moving into their new home in Provence, France, Mr and Mrs Mayle are set to enjoy themselves. Good food, weather and people are sure to make their stay like a year long holiday. Once the winter hits them with it's strong wind, snow, and all the French snug in their homes, they decide to renovate the house. Reasoning that it should only take a few months they are surprised to learn what a specific time in Provence means... For instance; if while you are setting the date, the Frenchman is patting you comfortingly, it means you might see him on the day, although most unlikely on time. If his hand is teetertoppeling gently, perhaps the next day or the day after that. If it's waggling furiously, you might not see him for a week, a month or even a year. So yeah. A very lol book about France and the people. If you want to work up a good apatite, this book will do it for you, but make sure you have a meal worthy of those within these pages!!
Overview: good humor, great writing, well portrayed, worth reading any day!